Senin, 05 Desember 2016

Journal Article Critique 14

Othman, mala.,  Sahamid, Husniah., Harrith, Muhammad., Hashim, Rosnani., & Mohamad, Faizah. (2015). The Effects of Debate Competition on Critical Thinking among Malaysian Second Language Learners. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23 (4): 656-664.

This article journal mainly discuss how debate competition can develop students’ critical thinking. The participant of this research are forty second language learners in Malaysia, aged 16 years old. The researcher conducted this research with pre-test and post test. Also, a survey was undertaken to gauge their perception of the thinking process they had experienced.

In debate competition, two teams will debate over a problem that called ‘motion’, in front of the judges or adjudicators. They have to provide a better argument with strong facts and the way they deliver their argument also being scored by the judges. After listen to the opponent group, they have to be able to do rebuttal over the opponent’s argument. In this case, critical thinking play a big role. because, if we do not think fast or our argument is not strong, the opponent group will see it as weaknesses and it easier for them to rebut our argument.

As a result, in the pre-test and post-test there are some improvements in the students’ critical thinking. Also, in the survey that given to the students, it shows that the majority of the students (83,8%) response positively that debate competition can improve their critical thinking.

Journal Article Critique 13

Yang, Chien-Hui.,  &  Rusli, Enniati. (2012). Using Debate as a Pedagogical Tool in Enhancing Pre-Service Teachers’ Learning and Critical Thinking. Journal of International Education Research, 8(2), 135-144.

The main purpose of this article journal is to implement debate as pedagogical tool to enhance pres-service teachers’ learning on the subject matter and investigate the effect of using debate in teacher training in Singapore context. The participant of this study are fifty-six pre-service teachers

In this article the researcher explain six benefits of debate as a pedagogical tool. One of those benefits is that debate found to be useful in reducing biases and understanding critical issues from different perspective. Well, in my opinion, I really agree with this statement. Because in making decision or argument, we have to think about our own perspective, the facts, and other opinion. Debate helps students to learn about the evidences supporting both sides and reasons behind individuals’ beliefs and actions.
Debate is a good way to promote higher order or critical thinking. If we want to rebut the opponent’s argument, we have to gather relevant and accurate information as well as think about it critically to strengthen our argument. Beside we have to think critically, we have to deliver our argument in well-organized way in a short time.

In the conclusion part, based on the students’ point of view, it is proven that debate can develop their critical thinking compared with textbook reading and lectures and there are only 1.8% of students who are strongly disagree that debate is an effective way to promote their critical thinking.