Senin, 27 Maret 2017


Masikem.,  Soetjipto, Budi Eko., &  Sumarmi. (2016). The Implementation of Cooperative Learning Model Talking Chips and Quick on the Draw to Enhance Motivation and Social Studies Learning Outcome. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, 6(3), 33-39.

The main purpose of this research journal is to analize the implementation of Talking Chips learning model combined with Quick on the Draw in enhancing motivation and students’ learning outcomes in Social Studies. The researchers observe that students are not motivated during the classroom activities, they often feel sleepy and bored. Only some students who are participate actively in the class, the others just sit and passively join the classroom activities.

The researchers used talking chips and quick on the draw method because it envolve students’ activities. In this reseacrh journal, the researchers explained about the method in detail so that I can get information that might be useful for my action research proposal. The way the researchers conducted the research, especially about talking chips and quick on the draw techniques, are well-explained.

Basically, talking chips is a technique which the teacher give the students the same portion to speak during the group discussion. They will not allowed to speak before all members of the group talking. So that it will solve the problem if there are one or two students dominates the discussion group. The use of talking chips is useful to develop students’ participation in the classroom because they got equal chance to speak during the classroom activities. Students are excited to join the learning process because this method is different from their daily activities that make them not bored.

When I become a teacher, someday, I will definitely use talking chips as one of my method in my classroom, especially in a group discussion, to promote students’ speaking ability. Also, I will use Quick on the draw to increase students’ motivation and team work because combining these two method proven to enhance motivation and students’ learning outcomes.

1 komentar:

  1. Is this method suitable for all grade? I mean can I use it for young learners or only adults can use it?
