Senin, 24 Oktober 2016

Journal Article Critique 7

Citation :
Aliponga, Jonathan. (2013). Reading Journal: Its Benefits for Extensive Reading, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(12), 73-80.

This article mainly discuss about students’ perception on how extensive reading could improve their reading ability. the participant of this research were sixteen japanese college students and they were asked by some questions through questionnaire. They have to response about the benefit of extensive reading in order to improve their reading ability. almost all of them respons positively and provided some reasons about their perceptions.
I personally think that extensive reading bring so much benefits. Extensive reading could improve their reading skill because when we read something that we interested in, our curiosity will increase and it makes us intentionally want to find more information about that. Beside that, it improves our communication skill. In the extensive reading activity, students were grouped and they have to share their idea or what they get from their extensive reading book and the others will give respons to their friend’s explanation. This way, they learn how to speak up. Extensive reading also could improve their writing skill because they have to write reading jounal everytime they read their book and this way, they have to conclude what they have read, they have to know what is the main idea of their book.
In conclusion, there are some benefits of extensive reading, for example, it could improve students’ reading skill, communication skill and writing skill. When I become a teacher, probably I will use this technique to improve my students’ reading skill. However, I have to make sure that their reading book is appropriate for them.

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