Senin, 01 Mei 2017

CAR 10

Fauzan, Umar. (2016). Enhancing Speaking Ability of EFL Students through Debate and Peer Assessment, EFL Journal, 1(1): 49-57.

After read this article journal, I learn that the main purpose of this journal is to know the effectiveness of debate and peer assessment in order to enhance speaking ability of third semester student in English Department of IAIN Samarinda. The method of the research is CAR because the problem to be solved come from classroom setting. There are two criteria to determine whether the method is success or not, those are score improvement and classroom atmosphere.

Personally, I think debate technique is a appropriate way to improve students’ speaking skill because it decrease their anxiety and increase their motivation and confidence. This happen because in debate, the teamwork is really strong that make the students who are able to speak well will help their friends who need a help in explain the arguments. Debate can be included as an effective way to enhance students’ speaking ability because it enables them to express their opinion and their thought in debate practice. Peer assessment is also an effective way because it makes the students aware of their mistakes but they do not avoid threat. The student will accepted the correction so that the speaking accuracy will raised. 

In this research, the researcher use two cycles. In the cycle I, the goals of the research did not reached yet because the students participation is only 64% which should be 70%. Because the improvement of the pre-test to the test on the cycle I is not significant, the researcher made some improvement of the implementation of debate practice that made the students’ speaking ability improved in cycle II.
In conclusion, Debate and peer assessment can improve students’ speaking ability because the students’ speaking ability was improved 20% from the pre-test and the atmosphere of the class also improved because the students become active. It encourages them to creatively explore the language.

CCU 10

This paper examined the process for developing students’ critical thinking and analytical skills in their ESL classrooms in formation of cross cultural communicative competence by presenting a method organized around the concept of critical consciousness for conducting a critical discourse analysis of ESL texts.

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) can be a valuable addition to the ESL teacher’s skill set of critical thinking and analytical skills to develop with the Area Studies students. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is focused on the written and spoken texts study and analysis to reveal the discursive sources of power, dominance, inequality and bias. It examines how these discursive sources are maintained and reproduced within specific social, political and historical contexts.

The proposed model to develop Critical Discourse Analysis Skills is a learning system that forms the intercultural communicative competence of Area studies students, which, in its turn, provides an efficient model for professional activity in lingocultural society of a studied area, taking into account cultural values. This model allows student to go beyond his own culture and acquire the quality of intercultural mediator, without losing his own cultural identity.