Senin, 20 Maret 2017


Citation: Shadiev, Rustam., Hwang, Wu-Yuin., and Huang, Yueh-Min. (2015). A pilot study: facilitating ccu with project-based collaborative learning in an online environment, Australian journal of education technology, 31(2): 123-140.

The main purpose of this article journal is to investigate three aspects: how project-based collaborative learning facilitates cross-cultural understanding; how students perceive project-based collaborative learning implementation in a collaborative cyber community (3C) online environment; and what types of communication among students are used.

Project-based learning (PBL) can benefit one’s overall learning as well as one’s cross-cultural understanding. Basically, students from all over the world and different cultures gathered together in online classrooms and made the learning environment authentic; meanwhile the learning activity fostered students’ interaction to collaborate on the activity and to experience the authentic cultures of peers.

After reading this journal, I can conclude that students thought that the 3C environment was useful for the implementation of the activity; the environment provided a suitable gathering place for students from diverse cultures and locations to communicate and experience the authentic culture of others. Also, project based learning is an appropriate way to teach cross-cultural understanding. The activity used in this research, folk games, is interesting and it stimulated their motivation and enhanced cross-cultural understanding. Students learned more about folk games and related cultures. This study derived three categories of communication in the 3C environment, and it found that only communication in the educational category could facilitate cross-cultural understanding.

1 komentar:

  1. Hai Aulia... your writing is actually good. You gave me new knowledge about facilitating ccu with project-based collaborative learning in an online environment. You provide a good information about Project-based learning (PBL). But it's better for you to give example of how project-based collaborative learning facilitates cross-cultural understanding; how students perceive project-based collaborative learning implementation in a collaborative cyber community (3C) online environment; and what types of communication among students are used, because the main point of your article is that. Thank you for sharing this good article :)
