Minggu, 12 Maret 2017


Citation: Murray, Garold., and Brollinger, Deborah. (2011). Developing cross-culture awareness: learning through the experiences of others, tesl canadian journal,19(1): 82-93.

The main purpose of this article journal is to provide some communicative activities to enhance the cross-cultural awareness of Japanese university students whose language levels range from beginner to intermediate. Teaching cross-cultural awareness to students of foreign language who hve never going abroad can be challenging because they do not know about the culture by theirselves. However, still, there are some activities that will enhance their cultural awareness : e-mail exchange, guest speaker interview, and video project.
E-mail exchange is an activity which students can communicate through e-mail with their friends and teacher. They have to send a message and respon it if they get received the message from their friends or teacher. Guest speaker interview is an activity which students interviewing their friends who have ever go to another country so that the students got information about the culture of another country. Video project is an activity which the students make a five-to-seven-minute video interview with a NES living in Japan or nonnative English speaker who has lived in another culture.
Based on this article journal, those three activities are appropriate to enhance the cross-cultural awareness of the students. their response to these activities has been positive. They can develop their cultural awareness as well as their speaking skill. When I become a teacher someday, I’ll definitely use video project as one of my activities to teach cross-cultural awareness in my classroom because I think the students will excited when they have to do such kind of activity.


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