Purwaningsih, Reni., Rais, Ahmad Dahlan., &
Sarosa, Teguh. (2014). Improving
Students’ Speaking Ability Through Talking Chips, English Education Journal, 2(3):364-371.
The purposes of this study are to identify whether and to what extent Talking Chips can improve the students’ speaking ability, and to describe the classroom situation when talking chips are implemented in the speaking class. The method that used in this research is Classroom action research and it conducted in SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta. In this research, the researcher combined the talking chips with drilling technique and discussion.
The main problem of speaking ability of Indonesian student is they are not be able to speak fluently which happen because of the lack of vocabulary and confidence. The reason why they have low confidence and vocabulary is because they do not practice their speaking ability. In speaking class, only few students who actively participate in the classroom. Maybe because they have a high level of confidence so that they often speak up than the other students.
With talking chips method, the students will get the same portion of speaking in the class, so that the domination by some students will no longer happen. Someday, if I’m being a teacher, I will use talking chips as one of my methods in speaking class because it is proven that talking chips can develop students’ speaking skill ability.
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