Senin, 28 November 2016

Journal Article Critique 12


Zare, Pezhman.,  & Othman, Moomala. (2013). Classroom Debate as a Systematic Teaching/Learning Approach. World Applied Sciences Journal 28 (11), 1506-1513.

The main purpose of this article is makes an attempt to introduce classroom debate as an instructional strategy. Using debate tehnique will develop our critical thinking because if we face some problems, we have to consider from the fact, other perspective and that makes us think critically. We have to communicate with our team to make a strong argument.

Classroom debate build up academic language skills, second/foreign language fluency and public speaking skills. The student also response positively that debate technique could improve their critical thinking and their speaking ability.

Personally, I think that using classroom debate is an effective way because so many students stated that they feel shy to speak in front of other people that they do not be acquainted with. However, I think they will not that shy if they talk in front of their own classmate. So, I think classroom debate could be a technique to build up their confidence. First, they do not shy to talk in front of their classmates, then slowly, they will be able to talk in front of other people that they do not know if they practice debate at least once e week in learning activities.

Sabtu, 19 November 2016

Journal Article Critique 11

Fauzan, Umar. (2016). Enhancing Speaking Ability of EFL Students through Debate and Peer Assessment. EFL Journal, 1(1), 49-57.

The main purpose of this journal is to know the effectiveness of debate and peer assessment in order to enhance speaking ability of third semester student in English Department of IAIN Samarinda. The method of the research is CAR because the problem to be solved come from classroom setting. There are two criteria to determine whether the method is success or not, those are score improvement and classroom atmosphere.

Debate can be included as an effective way to enhance students’ speaking ability because it enables them to express their opinion and their thought in debate practice. Peer assessment is also an effective way because it makes the students aware of their mistakes but they do not avoid threat. The student will accepted the correction so that the speaking accuracy will raised.  In this research, the researcher use two cycles. In the cycle I, the goals of the research did not reached yet because the students participation is only 64% which should be 70%. Because the improvement of the pre-test to the test on the cycle I is not significant, the researcher made some improvement of the implementation of debate practice that made the students’ speaking ability improved in cycle II.

In conclusion, Debate and peer assessment can improve students’ speaking ability because the students’ speaking ability was improved 20% from the pre-test and the atmosphere of the class also improved because the students become active. It encourages them to creatively explore the language.

Minggu, 13 November 2016

Journal Article Critique 10

Citation :
Arung, Fernandes. (2016). Improving the Students’ Speaking Skill through Debate Technique, Journal of English Education, 1(1), 70-76.
ISSN : 2502-6909 

This article mainly discuss about the use of debate technique to improve students’ speaking skill in SMA Negeri 1 Lasasua. The participant are 31 students of XI/IPA-2 class. The researcher use Classroom Action Reasearch as the design or method in this research. From this article, I agree that debate technique is an effective way to improve students’ speaking skill. Not only the speaking ability, but also their critical thinking. They have to be able think fast and logically. Debate also make them work really well with their group to defend  the opponent group. The main point or main purpose of speaking is to communicate with other people. Through debate, the students can communicate well and build a good team work. The researcher use two cycle of tests to measure whether there is an improvement in their speaking ability. In the first cycle, the students’ average result was 64 and in the second cycle, the average result was 78,4. So, it is proven that debate technique can improve student’s speaking skill.
When I become a teacher someday, I will use debate technique as one of my learning activities. However, I will use topic that related with their daily life so that it is not that difficult for them to make an argument. Because in my opinion, the students often find difficulties when they make an argument because they do not really know the topic or the motion of the debate.

Senin, 07 November 2016

Journal Article Critique 9

Citation :
Zare, Pezhman.,  & Othman, Moomala. (2015). Students’ Perceptions toward Using Classroom Debate to Develop Critical Thinking and Oral Communication Ability, Asian Social Science, 11(9), 158-170.

Actually this article is not exactly the same with what I want to write in the writing’s final project. I want to write about how debate improve speaking ability. However, I still can use this article because this article is related to what I want to write.
This article mainly discuss about how classroom debate develop speaking skill and critical thinking based on students’ point of view.
In this article, in the literature review part, the writer stated that usually student only get the learning material, the teacher explain, and they stay passive. They will not be able to speak up more. Finally, learner’s thinking will be blocked and they will not be able to think critically. Personally, I really agree with this statement and I think that debate is an approach that suitable for the student to make them more active and be able to think critically. Because they have to mastering the material really well, think about it critically and be able to state their argument in a proper way. If they practice a lot, it could improve their speaking skill.
In collecting the data, the writer use quantitative and qualitative approaches; a survey questionnaire, reflective papers, and interviews. Based on the data analysis and results, it is proven that debate could improve students’ speaking skill and critical thinking because the most of the students response positively.