Zare, Pezhman.,
& Othman, Moomala. (2013). Classroom
Debate as a Systematic Teaching/Learning Approach. World Applied Sciences Journal 28 (11), 1506-1513.
The main purpose
of this article is makes an attempt to introduce classroom debate as an instructional
strategy. Using debate tehnique will develop our critical
thinking because if we face some problems, we have to consider from the fact, other
perspective and that makes us think critically. We have to communicate with our
team to make a strong argument.
Classroom debate build up academic language skills,
second/foreign language fluency and public speaking skills. The student also
response positively that debate technique could improve their critical thinking
and their speaking ability.
Personally, I think that using classroom debate is an
effective way because so many students stated that they feel shy to speak in
front of other people that they do not be acquainted with. However, I think they will not
that shy if they talk in front of their own classmate. So, I think classroom
debate could be a technique to build up their confidence. First, they do not
shy to talk in front of their classmates, then slowly, they will be able to
talk in front of other people that they do not know if they practice debate at
least once e week in learning activities.