Sabtu, 24 September 2016

Journal Article Critique 3

Trong Tuan, Luu. (2010). Enhancing EFL Learners’ Writing Skill via Journal Writing. Canadian Center of Science and Education, 3(3) , 81-88.

This journal article mainly discuss how journal writing improve students’ writing skill. For EFL learners, English writing appears to be challenging and not interesting enough to motivate English learner to practice regularly. They don’t know how to express their feeling in the correct words. However, journal writing appear to be interesting and effective for them. They will get better if they practice a lot. Moreover, they don’t have to think much about what they want to write because the idea has already in their mind. Journal writing is a simple way to make them keep write something without any compulsion.

In this article, the researcher use 85 students as the participant. And divided into experimental group and control group. Before the research, they do a pre-test and at the end of the research, they do a post test. The result, there is an improvement in writing fluency, accuracy, scores, and motivation.

When I become an English teacher in the future, someday, I will use journal writing as one of my teaching method. Because I think it is very important to make the students interest in writing and journal writing is one of the method to make them feel in that way. All the students have to do is write everything that they want, everything that had happened to them in that day, everything that makes them excited. They don’t have to feel nervous, uncomfortable, or discourage because journal writing is not like a formal test, it is kind of personal diary that will be controlled by their teacher so that they know their mistakes and errors.

Minggu, 18 September 2016

Critical Reading 2


Akhyak., & Indramawan, Anik. (2013). Improving the Students’ English Speaking Competence through Storytelling (Study in Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic College (STAI) of Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia). International Journal of Language and Literature, 1(2), 18-24.

This article is discuss about how storytelling improve the students’ English speaking competence in Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic College (STAI) of Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia and what are the strengths and weaknesses of using storytelling in improving the students’ English speaking competence.
In the introduction part, the writer explain about the importance of speaking ability and the usefulness of storytelling in order to improve students’ English speaking ability.
In the literature review, the writer explain about five main points, there are : the concepts of speaking, speaking competence, indicators of speaking competence, definition of storytelling, and selecting story. Each of the point is explained in detail and there are enough literature reviews that stated by the expert.
In the research method, the writer explain about how they do the research. There are six main points in this case. The method of the research is classroom action research (CAR). The writer also explain what CAR is and reasons why the writer used CAR.
In the result of the study, the writer said that storytelling can improve students’ speaking competence. Five aspects of speaking competence are improved after the teacher use storytelling. Those aspects are : fluency, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and content. Also, storytelling improve speaking class situation better. The writer explain that storytelling has strength and weakness. The strength of storytelling, it gives motivation, meaning, fluency, language awareness, and stimulus for the students’ speaking. However, the weakness are  the teacher have to learn the story well and the class need more time.

Minggu, 11 September 2016


Citation :

Efrizal, Dedi. (2012). Improving Students’ Speaking through Communicative Language Teaching Method at Mts Ja-alhaq, Sentot Ali Basa Islamic Boarding School of Bengkulu, Indonesia. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(20), 127-133.

This article is discuss whether English language teaching can improve speaking skill at junior high school students. In the introduction part, the writer explain about the importance of speaking ability in our daily life. The writer also explain that most of students in Mts Ja-alhaq are not quite good at using english because of boring method that given by their teacher. 

In the review of literature part, the writer explain what communicative language teaching is. However, the information I get from the writer’s explanation is not that much because he does not mention what kinds of activities that included as CLT method.

In the research procedure, the writer explain that the research using cycle I, II, III and IV. Each cycle consist of five activities, those are : planning, acting, observing, reflecting and evaluating. However, the writer only explain about evaluating activity. I do not find the further explanation about the other three activities. In order to know the significance of communicative language teaching method, the researcher collected individual score at the end of each cycle by giving test to the students and there is a significant improvement in the last cycle. However, the writer does not explain what kind of test that used in the research.

As a conclusion, CLT method can improve students' speaking skill by motivate them to be active and minimize students’ problem in speaking english during teaching and learning process in classroom. When I become a teacher in the future, I will use CLT as one of teaching method in teaching and learning process.